Stirchley Library, along with other community libraries in Birmingham, is at risk of closure. Please sign the petition here to save Stirchley Library and other community libraries.
Birmingham City Council have now published their proposed plan to close 25 out of 35 existing community libraries and develop the remaining libraries into ‘community living rooms’. It is not yet clear which libraries would be closed nor the precise process by which the decision would be made.
The proposal would have a devastating impact on communities throughout Birmingham. Local libraries are safe and welcoming spaces for all – they provide such a vast range of services and activities for residents and truly lie at the heart of local communities
FOSL initially formed as a campaign group to save Stirchley Library from closure back in 2016 and we’re heartbroken that we’re now in a position where we need to fight again against closure. We encourage everyone to sign the petition here to show support for saving Stirchley Library.
We also strongly feel that saving one library shouldn’t come at the expense of another library, which is why we’re calling for all community libraries to be retained. We love our community library and know others love theirs too – we all deserve, and need, to keep them.