New revised proposal from Birmingham City Council

Birmingham City Council has recently published a revised proposal following the final phase of consultation that took place between 23rd August and 27th September. In their revised proposal,Stirchley Library hours will remain open for 21 hours a week! This is fantastic news for our community, as it represents a return to a 3 day a week professionally staffed library service. A huge thank you to everyone who has supported the Save Stirchley Librarycampaign and made sure that the Council has been aware just how important the library is to us all.

Whilst this is good news for Stirchley Library, unfortunately the proposal still represents a 40% cut to our citywide library service. We encourage everyone to continue to take action to speak out against wider cuts and support the Birmingham Loves Libraries campaign.

The revised proposal is subject to a further public consultation and approval by the Cabinet. There is still time to provide your feedback on the proposal this weekend (closing date is 3rd November) by completing this short survey. Unfortunately the short survey only allows you to provide feedback on either the plans for a single library or plans for all libraries, so we encourage everyone to submit two separate responses. There is a great guide to help you complete the survey on the Birmingham Loves Libraries website.