Stirchley History Group exhibition

Tomorrow afternoon (Sat 9th Sept 2-4pm) Stirchley History Group have an exhibition at the Library as part of the national Heritage Open Weekend, which coincides with Birmingham Heritage Week.
The exhibition at the library includes photos of the Stirchley Library building, particularly before computerisation.
There’s loads of stuff happening across the city this weekend as part of the heritage week (and it’s almost all free)

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Stirchley Late Summer Bash

We have a stall at the Stirchley Forum’s ‘Annual Late Summer Bash’ which is held in Stirchley Park (behind co-op/Farmfoods/Stirchley Baths) 11am-4pm. Saturday 2nd September.

We are going to be selling plants kindly grown by Gordon Parr, and books that have been donated. We’ll also be taking book donations on the day! All proceeds will be going to Friends of Stirchley Library.

Thanks to the volunteers who will be running the stall on the day, Gordon, Mary Locke, Abigail from Winterbourne Gardens who has kindly loaned us tables and a gazebo, and Stirchley Forum for allowing us to have a …

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Agenda for meeting 22/6/17

Hello, below is the agenda for tomorrow night’s Friends of Stirchley Library meeting, 7.30pm at Stirchley Community Church. Lift available and teas/coffee.

  • Welcome, introductions and apologies
  • Constitution & Committee roles
  • Meetings of note
  • Sustainability
  • Publicity / events
  • Funding
  • AOB
  • Next meeting date tbc

Also for reference last month’s minutes: 2017-04-29FOSLmeetingatStirchCommChurch.docx (1)

The constitution (roles to be assigned):

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Next meeting: Thursday 22nd June

The next public meeting of Friends of Stirchley Library will be on Thursday 22nd June starting at 7.30 pm at Stirchley Community Church, Hazelwell Street. Lift available, also tea and coffee.

We usually meet on a Saturday morning but it has been difficult to find a suitable date this month, so we have switched to a Thursday evening on this occasion.

The full agenda will be published before the meeting but items for discussion will include:

  • Reports back on several meetings
  • Update on our Local Innovation Fund bid
  • Update on our constitution and opening of a bank account
  • Plans

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