A limited library service will be available on Tuesday lunchtimes (1pm-2pm) throughout December. Come along to take out, reserve and return books and access the computers and free WiFi.
A limited library service will be available on Tuesday lunchtimes (1pm-2pm) throughout December. Come along to take out, reserve and return books and access the computers and free WiFi.
The Friends of Stirchley Library have booked a DJ for our first silent disco in the library on Sunday 2nd December from 2pm-4pm. There is no charge to attend; donations will be welcome. Light refreshments will be available and some Christmassy activities: Fun for all the family! Please ensure children are supervised by a responsible adult. No need to book, just turn up. Tell your friends!
This is from Stirchley Library’s facebook page; please share widely!
As you may be aware the library has been without a boiler for a while now.
We are hoping that local business will be interested in tendering for some work on the library.
The work is made up of 2 components:
Mechanical Works
Provide and install one boiler connected to the new meter in the basement and to the ground floor heating system only or to provide and install one boiler connected to the new meter in the basement and to the ground floor and first floor heating systems. To
We’re hoping to start a Lego Club at Stirchley Library, and are looking for donations. If you have any unwanted Lego or Duplo please bring it along to the Library and help us get started!
On Tuesday 6th and Thursday 29th November Stirchley Library will be open until 8pm! Pop along for a limited library service – you’ll be able to borrow, return and renew, and also meet some of FOSL’s volunteers!
Interested in becoming a FOSL volunteer and helping at future late night openings? Please get in touch!